Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Crazy Arrival In Sihanoukville

Yesterday's night bus was alright actually - far better than the Vietnamese ones and because I was so tired I managed to get a decent night sleep.

Arrived in Sihanoukville at 6:30 in the morning, got a hotel and pretty much crashed out for the rest of the day - reading books and listening to music on the beach. The hotel is really cool - right on the beach, good food and nice rooms. Sihanoukville is also really nice, reminds me a bit of Croatia; White beaches with offshore islands. So we just sat and took it in for a good few hours.

This afternoon something really cool happened though. Ben and Andy spotted a sign in the bar next to the hotel saying "western staff wanted" and went in to ask. Long story cut short; Ben, Andy and I have got a job working next door for the next few days, no pay, but all our food and drink is paid for - awesome! Tonight is going to be another exciting one I think! We start learning how to run the bar in 45mins then go from there - can't wait.

An awesome and relaxing day - looks like it will be followed by an amazing and lively night - Epic!


  1. Glad to hear you're not going to go hungry!

  2. Andy f (legend)21 July 2010 at 11:29

    i love JJ's
